Sunday, July 25, 2004

ASRWU - part fifteen

If you then take red line to Central Sq you are in the territory of the Middle East. This is a funky bar/restaurant/venue which has, on one exterior wall, an enormous mural, hugely reminiscent of Bollywood posters.
On our way in we were briefly accosted by 2 art students asking our opinion on the facade. Unfortunately they reinforced the insular American stereotype when they failed to recognize the name of the world’s largest producer of films.

The Middle East is billed as the epicentre of rock in Boston. Apparently anyone who has ever thought of playing a gig in the Boston area, or has toured through town has, at one point or another, walked through their doors. The Middle East goes out of its way to give you quality music, food and drinks at bargain prices... Sure, the floors are sticky and the bathrooms can get nasty, but this is rock 'n' roll. Nobody said it was going to be neat.


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