Wednesday, July 14, 2004

wake up neo

As the Butler report, published today, looks set to tear holes in the case for the Iraq war, Bush's British lying boy-puppet is bracing himself for fresh criticism. But will it make any real difference? We already know that Pinocchio Blair has a wooden heart.

And it seems we can't trust the British media to give us a fair, unbiased account. In a recent report Monbiot points us to 2 studies which reveal the serious and systematic bias among British broadcasters in favour of the government and its allies.

This problem seems to particularly permeate the BBC and ITN news which, according to the Glasgow Media Group Study, show prejudice in favour of Israel and against the Palestinians. Almost three times as much coverage is given to each Israeli death as to each Palestinian death. Killings by Palestinians are routinely described as “atrocities” and “murders”, while Palestinians deliberately shot by Israeli soldiers have been reported as “caught in the crossfire.”
..Both networks regularly claim that the US government is seeking peace in the region while omitting to mention that it is supplying some $3 billion a year of military aid to Israel.

The British press show the same bias too. One BBC journalist admitted they were told not to provide "explainers", which might account for the fact that in one of the groups of viewers the researchers interviewed, the people who said that the occupied territories had been illegally occupied by the Israelis, were outnumbered by those who believed they had been occupied by the Palestinians!

Far from relaying the actuality of situations to the public, it seems the British media are complicit in portraying the world the way our "leaders" want us to see it. They mould our very own Matrix.


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