Monday, March 15, 2004

America's "Special Relationship" With Us - part six

Purrrrr Cats, on the other hand, I can handle. They lower blood pressure, are really cute, and kill far fewer people. I’ll even go so far as to say they’re good for you (if you can forgive the whole toxoplasmosis issue). My brother dwells alongside 2 cats too. I think he’s building an ark on the sly. It was great to see my brother and his wife, but with 6 people (parents were here too), 2 dogs, 2 cats and a fish all residing in just 2 rooms, it became a tad cramped and claustrophobic.

So we spent the days outside, touring the various sights and eateries in Ohio. It was here that I fell in love with the cheesecake factory. Why, oh why, for the love of god (who apparently has favourable odds on existing) do they not have this back home? It’s a cholesterol-loaded, heart-stopping version of paradise.

Ohio; interesting state. By “interesting”, I of course mean “boring as a drill bit”. In winter there’s not a whole lot to see. Just bleak expanses of nothing in every direction. Browsing through the malls, it felt like a ghost town; we didn’t pass any other bargain-hunters at all. Still, it beats struggling through the fighting throng on Oxford Street at Xmas.


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